y 2021, we will be a hub of research
excellence for coaching, and recognised
as the lead agency for coaching.
We will drive coaching research, develop insight and
share best practice.
What this means:
• We’ll drive coaching research and set the agenda
for this internationally.
• We’ll produce excellent insight that meets the
needs of the sector.
• We’ll make sure that what we learn from
research, and insight is acted on by ourselves
and our partners, shaping policy, delivery and
Case study
UK Coaching, in collaboration with
StreetGames, published a unique
piece of research that found that
Scott Maug
for every £1 invested in a group of
coaches in Tyneside, there was a £3
return for society. This meant that
the positive impact of the coaching was three
times greater than the amount it cost to train the individuals
to coach.
Using a research framework known as Social Return on
Investment (SROI), we were able to identify the full social,
environmental and economic value of coaching, monitoring the
group of coaches working in Tyneside to see exactly how much
social value their development and coaching created.
Outcomes from the study included more employment
opportunities for the coaches, an increase in self-esteem and
more positiv