911@50 Media kit November 2013 | Page 5

4. Rich Media in advertising pages Rich Media in Advertising is now defined as: Advertisements (i.e.printed pages or PDF’s) with which users can interact (as presented below by click-through functionality) in .PDF format. These advertisements can be used either singularly or in combination with various technologies, including, but not limited to sound, video, or Flash and with programming languages such as Java, Javascript, and DHTML. Rich Media also includes in-page and in-text digital video advertisements where the associated content is streaming from a specific URL. With the available technology you can create a .PDF advertisement like a mini site inside the magazine! Non existing AD. It’s simply a sample. Join The Club Rich Media in Advertising is now defined as: Advertisements (i.e.printed pages or PDF’s) with which users can interact (as presented below by click-through functionality) in .PDF format. Check this out! Go the specific page to join the club. Via QR Code App you can link diectly to URL from smart phone. The Europe Porsche Club isn't just about a passion for Porsche cars - no - it's also about a uniquely diverse group of people joined by a common bond. Come on in and see who we are and what we do... Track Days in Catalunia Europe Porsche Club View the video Go to Facebook www.europeporscheclub.org Go to URL 5. Where will the reader find our magazine Mainly, through issuu.com. Issuu (pronounced “issue”) is the leading digital publishing platform delivering exceptional reading experiences of magazines, catalogs, and newspapers. It is free to use and gives the reader the ability to create a personal library with his favorite magazines. Issuu allows you to monitor the exact number of downloads of each magazine, so you know the number of readers. We will inform all the major Porsche clubs about the magazine and the ways their readers can download or read it online. The magazine will also be available to download through various Porsche related online forums, our website and Facebook page.