by Michael Cadwallader
Imagine digging around in a yard and finding a
coffin lying underground. Well, that’s what
happened to British adventurer Howard Carter
and his dig team in Egypt. In fact, they found the
entrance to a tomb, a house, chamber, or vault
for the dead. Unfortunately, grave robbers have
entered this tomb before Carter. In this article,
you will learn how King Tut’s tomb was
Howard Carter was digging around in
Egypt and found the entrance to a tomb. Cater
was William Flinders Petrie’s protégé. As author
Charles Freeman mentioned, “Petrie was the son
a Christian fundamental-ist who believed the
Great Pyramid was built with divine guidance
and God’s message of humanity.” Because
Carter was Petrie’s protégé, Carter and a few
other people started to dig around in Egypt and
hope to find something. They were in luck! The
team had found the entrance to the tomb of the
“Boy King,” King Tutankhamen, or King Tut, as
a lot of people know him as!
Carter and his dig team decided they
should check on the tomb first, so they went
back home. At this time, Europeans discovered
tombs for a living, like our old pal Carter. As
author Michael Burgan stated, “[Later on,]
Carter then worked for Lord Carnarvon, a man
[whom was] interested in Egyptian
artifacts.” As for the Europeans that
discovered tombs for a living, they brought
mummies back to where they lived and they
showed them (the mummies) off.
Finally, after all this fuss, Carter and
Carnarvon entered the tomb at once, with a
bunch of other people. However, there were
signs of other people that had been there before
Carter. Grave Robbers! was the first thing that
came to his mind. His team then found a hidden
door, guarded by two black statues. However,
there were fingerprints on this door. Oh no! As
author Stephanie Ann Reiff has written, “Carter
wondered if he should call off the search and
order everyone to go home. Just then, a worker
cried out, ‘Another hole!’ Carter rushed over to
the other worker’s side. Sure enough, there was
another hole. It was hidden under a beautiful
couch.” Unfortunately, Egyptians called off the
dig out of nowhere! Great! Fortunately, Carter
found a way to continue. After so much hard
work, Carter finally found the “Boy King.”
All in all, Carter went through a whole
lot of work before actually finding King Tut’s
mummy itself. But that’s not what this article’s
about! It’s about his whole entire tomb, and
getting through it was hectic! And you learned
how King Tut’s tomb was discovered, as well as
the bonus of finding the mummy as well. So
when you find that coffin in your yard, don’t
open it. If you do, you might find another
universe lying beyond just in order to find the
actual body, and
you might not
want to do that!
Carter examines the coffin containing King Tut