6.1.15-Woodgrain_Finishing_Fitting_Storage_Maintenance | Page 4


Your Woodgrain door has been handcrafted to last for years to come . But , like any fine piece of furniture , its finish will require periodic maintenance to keep it looking great and provide proper protection against the elements . Regular finish maintenance is also a requirement of the warranty that is included with every Woodgrain door .
Here are some signs to watch for that may indicate it is time for maintenance : �� Hairline cracks in the top coat of finish . �� Changes in the color of the finish . �� Changes in the texture of the finish , such as flaking or scaling . �� Dullness or chalkiness in the finish .
If you live in a severe climate or your entry receives a lot of direct sunlight from a southern or western exposure , you will want to examine your door ’ s finish often . Depending on these conditions , you may also need to refinish the door more frequently .
Poplar 604 french door with White
Laminated at glass s .
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