Valparaiso, CL: Capital Porteña
Santiago, CL: Bar de Rene
Para todo el que tenía dudas respecto a lo importantes que somos para Faith No More, acá otra prueba de
amor. Porque Billy Gould anunció una serie de “Listening Sessions” alrededor del mundo para el lanzamiento
de la reedición de su clásico disco ‘We Care A Lot’ que cumplió 30 años. La idea es que los fans se junten a
celebrar este legado y escuchar el disco en versión mejorada.
Esto es gratis y oficialmente gestado por Faith No More. “Invitamos a los fans a tomarse algo y escuchar
música”, dijo Gould a Radio Futuro Para Chile hay dos lugares: Jueves 18 de agosto en el Bar Tattoo Capital
Porteña de Valparaíso y en el Bar de René de Santiago.
get together and have some fun.
While it’s been great to reconnect with this era of
the band, we also realize that a tour with the WCAL
lineup just ain’t gonna happen, so this is what we’re
going to do: throw a party for our fans. Actually more
than one. On the same day: August 18 (except for the
Big Foot Lodge on the 19th, because they’re special..!). We’re going to play the album in it’s entirety at
each place, the day before the release, so our friends
can hear it first, and under “optimal conditions”.
We’re going to call them “Listening Sessions”. Admission will be free, and they will be held in bars that are
“FNM family” friendly. That means that I’ve personally been involved in the selection process , and
am down with the proprietors, they are fans as well,
and this will all happen in the right spirit. It’s not the
same as a live gig, but hopefully it will be a good way
for many of you to get together, and along with our
music, to have a little fun.
Bill here...
Below is a list of our confirmed “Listening Sessions”,
OKAY, SO, HERE’S WHAT’S UP: We Care A Lot is
but it’s highly likely that we will be adding more vecoming out on August 19th..Normally when FNM
nues as we get closer to this date, so stay tuned either
releases an album there are tour dates…not only to
at,, or the Koolarrow or
promote the record but also because we like creating Koolarrow FB pages.
events…we are proud to include amongst our ranks a And PLEASE, if you find yourself going, send us phostrong, international group of fans, many who I know tos, either at [email protected] or via the Koolapersonally, and generally our shows provide not only rrow FB page, and we will try to repost.
a place to hear live music, but also a way for people to