55+ Living Guide Winter 2018 Winter 2018 55+ issue for Joomag | Page 22

You’ll Find Everything for the Wild Bird Lover and Backyard Naturalist! Highest Quality Wild Bird Seed & Suet in the Capital District Black-Capped Chickadee With more than 130 IBAs in New York alone, endless state and public parks, you can observe birds in their natural habitat almost anywhere you live or travel. But, if you’d prefer to stay inside with a cup of cocoa on a cold winter’s day, you can also try bringing the birds to you! Regardless of the size of your yard or balcony, you can create a haven for both migratory and resident birds that will thank you with beautiful songs and regular visits all year long. Keep a birdfeeder full all winter with popular food choices such as black-oil sunflower seeds, millet or suet and you’ll be able to enjoy watching feathered friends like the Northern Cardinal, Black- capped Chickadee, nuthatches and woodpeckers from the comfort of your home. To keep them coming back year-round, consider planting a native garden, or even a patio garden. Winter is the perfect time to plan your planting, and pollinators and native bird species like the Purple Finch, American Goldfinch, Baltimore Oriole, and Ruby-throated Hummingbird are drawn to native gardens for summer habitat and food needs. Imagine your yard or balcony hosting countless butterflies and birds all summer long – it would be just beautiful! For information on what feeders, food and native plants can attract each species, visit ny.audubon.org/birdfeeding. If you’re at home or on the road and need help with identifying a bird or song, consider trying a user- friendly app for guidance. Two free and popular apps are the Audubon Bird Guide and Merlin Bird ID. Audubon Bird Guide is an electronic bird field guide with a wide range of features for every birder while Merlin Bird ID allows you to upload a photo or answer five questions to help identify your bird. 22 Bird Feeders • Bird Houses Heated Bird Baths • Unique Nature Gifts Nature Toys, Games & Books • Binoculars Chimes • Much, much more... Where People and Nature Come Together 308 Delaware Ave • Delmar 518.478.9453 www.wildbirdjunction.com Audubon New York protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout New York using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Cedar Waxwing Jesse Gordon Audubon Photography Awards visit us at ny.audubon.org