40 Fascinating Facts About Saint Lucia | Page 7

SAINT LUCIA IS THE ONLY SOVEREIGN STATE NAMED AFTER A WOMAN 1 Most countries are often named after their geographic location or a feature of the land or the largest tribes in the region. Some others are named after people, male people. But, of the 195 sovereign states the United Nations recognizes, Saint Lucia is the only country named after a female. Thanks to the French who from the onset, set her apart from the rest of the world and named her Sainte-Lucie after the patron Saint of Syracuse – Saint Lucy. Saint Lucy is the patron saint of light and therefore is the patron saint of the blind and those with eye problems. Known as National Day/Discovery Day and Festival of Lights, Saint Lucy's Day is celebrated on December 13th. Photo Credit: Source: https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/which-is-the- Everything St.Lucian (like their Facebook Page) only-country-in-the-world-that-is-named-after-a-woman.html