40 day kingdom prayer challenge 40Days02single | Page 9
Sit in silence and prayerfully reflect over what the Scripture is
Pray in response to the themes, images or specific verses
that capture your attention as your heart is moved.
Up-In-Out (more structured)
Pray with a focus on the Father: pray about His beauty and
glory, who He is, what He wants and/or what He has done.
Praise God, give thanks and declare who He is and what He
has said.
Use one or many Scriptures as a springboard, or just pray
Some possible springboard passages are:
Psalm 146, John 1:1-18 and Colossians 1:12-20.
Pray with a focus on personal surrender and repentance:
reflect, confess and cast off everything that burdens and
entangles you. Share and pray for each other’s needs.
Some possible springboard passages are:
Psalm 51, Romans 12:1-2 and Luke 9:23-25.
Pray for the harvest: particularly pray for those in your
immediate community. People Maps are a helpful tool here
(see next page). Geographic maps of your community, the
nation and the region can also be great prompts.
40 day kingdom Prayer Challenge