40 day kingdom prayer challenge 40Days02single | Page 8

How to facilitate a prayer group It is not always easy to know how to ‘do’ a prayer time together. The good news is that it is not as difficult as it might seem. We don’t need music, formal training or elaborate liturgies to facilitate a prayer meeting that helps people engage meaningfully with God. It can relieve a lot of pressure when we remember that God actively wants to engage and communicate with us. There are many ways God can speak into the prayer meeting and provide direction as we give Him our time and attention. We might notice thoughts, feelings and ideas, or be reminded of people and situations as we pray. How to begin? The best starting place is to gather a group of people who desire to seek God for things that are important to Him. We can pray with great confidence when we pray for things we are certain God wants (e.g. Mt 6:9-10, Lk 10:2). Sometimes a simple process can help us create a space to listen to God. Here are two possibilities you may wish to try: Scripture Springboard (less structured) Start with Scripture Before or at the start of the meeting, choose a Scripture that centres on who God is, His Kingdom or the harvest field. Read Slowly read through the passage together two to three times. 6 40 day kingdom Prayer Challenge