4 Week Diet Plan PDF To Lose 10 Pounds Free Download 4 Week Diet Meal Plan | Page 46

LET’S GET STARTED LET’S GET STARTED Now that you understand the reason behind The 4 Week Diet, we can jump into the specifics on how to set up and make this diet work for you. In The 4 Week Diet “Diet” handbook, you’ll learn how to calculate body fat and learn how much protein you need every day to ensure you are burning fat and maintaining lean body mass. You’ll also learn the “secret” method for maintaining your ideal body weight forever. In The 4 Week Diet Activity Handbook, you’ll get some incredibly effective, fat- burning exercises that are combined with the diet portion of The 4 Week Diet, to produce unbelievable amounts of body fat loss. In the Motivation Handbook, you’ll learn some very effective ways to make weight loss easier and more enjoyable. I truly believe that if you follow The 4 Week Diet, you will quickly achieve your weight loss goals. I wish you all the best in your efforts and I do look forward to hearing about your body-transformation success! The 4 Week Diet - Launch Handbook | 46