3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Seite 3

Intuitive Spiritualist Torrie C “Who’s to say that you have to live by society’s rules?’...Torrie C has always been her own person and made very little attempts at following the norm. She didn’t purposely plan to be who she is, instead she just lived for her planned purpose. As a student of life and daughter to the hidden realms, Intuitive Spiritualist Torrie C stands on every corner of her knowing. Groomed through lifetimes by her ancestors and given trials beyond comparison, Spiritualist Torrie C brings to you her gifts. With a variety of talents, as the proud owner of 3rd Eye Watch, HMi radio and Spirituals by Torrie C., comes a brand new way of viewing how we see spirit in relation to the world we live in. “ I believe in order to be in-tune with ourselves we must understand our own division within. That doesn’t require a denial or detachment from any parts of what we were and who we’ve become. Instead, being spiritual requires you to examine the roads you’ve taken and to be able to identify with others that have taken the same road and learn from others that have chosen differently. There are many paths to find unity within. However, I’m just able to see and to define it...” Intuitive Spiritualist Torrie C. Contact: To learn more about Intuitive Spiritualist Torrie C & Her services, please visit: http://quepro1.wix.com/spiritualsbytorriec