3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Page 28
inner God, and was eager to put it to use to
recreate her life.
How will you allow your throat chakra energy
to help you create magic and beauty in your
world? Allow your inner God to guide you.
There’s a voice that’s crying right now. There’s a
voice that needs to know what happened to them the
night when they decided to go out against their
Earthly Blends Organic Soap
momma’s will, never telling the full truth of why
Spirituals By Torrie C
breaking her word was necessary. The last thing
they remember was two shots ricocheting through
their body, sounding an alarm that time was up. Too
Making Affirmations, Growing In
late to say they’re hurt and hanging out was to
numb the pain. Can’t turn back in the flesh that they
Consciousness continued
I witness MAGIC regularly as I do throat chakra once knew. Can’t say hold up, wasn’t it the law that
was suppose to protect me. Why do I see them
work. One such occurrence took place as I
laughing at my body?...Meanwhile, there’s a sound
supported a sweat lodge retreat for clients of a
that overpowers the echo of bigotry, unfolding into
sexual assault agency. One participant initially
the universal realm as if it’s made of sound, it’s the
spoke in a soft, girl-like voice despite the gray voice of the mother that cries endlessly for her child
crowning her head. Even when she very faintly and a father that holds his head in shame. There’s a
began singing a song, no one heard her but me. voice that’s crying right now!
She eventually stopped singing. Fast forward to The more I tap into my inner God, the more I’m
the actual lodge experience, when in the midst able to hear the hurt hearts and finally silence them
of a rebirthing, an affirmation spilled from her with true peace. I weep for them, and I’ve learned to
hear beyond my own anger, fear and resentments to
lips—boldly, strongly, loudly. She continued
transmute their darkness into light. In return my
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