3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Page 27

Making Affirmations, Growing In Consciousness By Tonya Parker Throat chakra energy is about using the vibration of words to express what is in our heart and lower chakras to the world. Because we are part of the great Oneness Creation, our inner God selves are capable of tapping into this powerful energy to link our inner world to our outer, to express our thoughts and feelings into words to help create our outer reality. Water experiments conducted by the late Dr. Masaru Emoto, documented in his book, Messages in Water, illustrate this phenomenon. He studied the effects of words, prayers, and music on the crystalline structure of water. Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water after being exposed to the different variables and then frozen so they would form crystalline structures. The water crystals exposed to positive words etc. were much more symmetric and beautiful than those exposed to the negative. The less attractive crystals were structured in forms similar to water found in polluted sources. Considering the human body is approximately 70% water, what do you think the impact of word vibration is on us? According to Florence Scovil Schinn’s book, Your Word Is Your Wand —our words create our reality. A question to ask ourselves, is, have we been creating magic to maintain our inner God? Let’s call MAGIC: Making Affirmations, Growing in Consciousness. Affirmations are simply positive statements—something we declare to be true. So when we continuously use our powerful word vibrations to affirm ourselves, it can develop into a snowball effect, gathering energetic momentum the more it becomes a natural part of us. As a result, we can experience healing, growth, and manifestation of that which we desire in our lives. On the converse, putting ourselves down, associating with Negative Nellies and Nicks, and listening to music and TV shows that focus on yelling, cursing, cattiness etc, can impact our consciousness. Consequently, we can attract more mayhem—meaning chaos, negativity, and other energies that are non- supportive to our mind, body, and/or spirit. Continued On Next Page