3rd Eye Watch Early Pre-Spring Edition | Page 16

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk A REVERSED VENUS IN SATURN During the past few months, many may have witness daydreams about past loves or a reversal of current relationships, money dwindling or gained, social scrutiny per praise and or depression and upward energy on some levels. What I found was during this time it was that energy that was given to us to help us reevaluate all avenues of our life where these knock’s were felt. The positioning of the planets was and is giving us a chance to analyze the most sensitive area in our lives that needs attention and improvement. Some of us had gone retro with that energy, not connecting the dots in our own personal world. This in return has created a time warp for some beings that find themselves victimized by their own pleasures, beliefs and circumstances. Thank goodness Venus decided to go back into direct motion and grant us new energy for this spring. FEBRUARY'S AGENDA In February, all that was brought to the surface towards the end of December into January, allowed the planetary alignment for February to bring a desire for change rather then just a need for it. The urgency for these changes are seen in humanity on various levels as they penetrate our awareness in areas of health, correcting social injustice by way of political dealings. On a more personal level, February's constellations challenged one’s need for acceleration and growth in areas that were felt in late December through much of January. With Mercury in retrograde in February, much had been effected within our interpersonal communication department. Forcing the aligned constellations surrounding this change to directly move our minds to a transformative state; pointing its aim to remove outdated thinking and old behavioral patterns. However, when making efforts to ween out vintage mental and emotional debris, communication problems arise when trying to rationalize old and new thoughts; thus, forcing a clash in reasoning when trying to live with rigid belief ’s versus a clear perspective. In our system this is evident in the debate involving laws such as the legalization of gay marriage per state, the legalization of marijuana, and so on. Fortunately, all the fussing and fighting will be for a worthy cause that will later be witnessed by generations to come. With all the shots and fires and backfires that are boosting our awareness level, we can rest assure that March has an interesting lineup for us as well. WHAT MARCH HAS IN STORE From what I’ve studied about March’s energy, it comes with a force of its own. It’s coupled with a few retrogrades that will seem repetitive to what we’ve just been through. As the heavens energy wanders, pace yourself for more of the moon matinee as it now brings us high tides to the big screen. Respectfully, there’s much to be examined and looked at in our own personal lives in conjunction with the planets’ alignment here. This March is definitely taking on a theme of “clearing the clutter out.” Continued on Page 18