365ink #465 July 18–July 31, 2024 | Page 8


Walking to Fix Our Democracy

SUNDAY , JULY 21 @ 2 PM CARNEGIE-STOUT PUBLIC LIBRARY One man is taking to America ’ s roads to say that all is not lost , and “ we the people ” have the power to rescue our democracy . Retired Vermont lawyer and businessman Rick Hubbard started his Walking to Fix Our Democracy quest from Pasadena , CA in October of 2022 , and will be stopping in Dubuque on Sunday , July 21 , to speak at 2 p . m . at the Carnegie- Stout Public Library . Hubbard wants to empower voters across the land to raise awareness and advocate in their own communities for proper representation .
R . R . S . Stewart will also be speaking about the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the John R . Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 1923 . Stewart is a teacher and the Treasurer for Dubuque Branch NAACP .
Sponsoring both events is the League of Women Voters of Dubuque . The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan , grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy .
These events are free . For more information , visit fixourdemocracy . us . •

Taste of Summer Series

THURSDAY , AUGUST 1 @ 5 – 9 PM NATIONAL MISSISSIPPI RIVER MUSEUM & AQUARIUM ( 350 E 3 RD ST ) Get ready for the exciting Taste of Summer event at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium . It ’ s back for three events featuring food vendors and musicians . Come hang out after-hours in the boatyard and plaza .
Food and drinks start at 5 p . m ., and two live bands keep the vibe going until 9 p . m . You can enter through the Mississippi River Discovery Center ( paddlewheel ) or National River Center entrances .
Each event has food vendors battling it out for the “ People ’ s Choice ” award , voted on by you . Plus , drinks will be available for purchase .
Aug . 1 features Caroline ’ s Restaurant , Birds Chicken Food Truck , Magoo ’ s Pizza , and Vesperman Farms Ice Cream Truck plus music by Boys of Lloyd at 5 – 6:30 p . m . and Dirt Road Rockers at 7 – 9 p . m .
Admission is a suggested $ 5 donation to support conservation programs at the River Museum , and beverage sales will also support the efforts . Ample parking will be available in the public lot outside of the River Museum . Everyone ’ s welcome , so bring your lawn chairs or blankets since picnic tables are limited . For more information about the bands and food trucks , visit RiverMuseum . org / events / taste-summer-2 . •
8 365INK MAGAZINE July 18 – July 31 , 2024 Issue # 465 DUBUQUE365 . COM