365ink #465 July 18–July 31, 2024 | Page 38


Angela ' s

Awesome Advice
DEAR ANGELA , I was really excited to get my new job , and at first it was great . My coworkers are fun , and my supervisor is really nice . I ’ d had a great first month training and learning the ropes , but then the owner , my actual boss , came in from corporate headquarters for his once-a-month visit . The first month , he just teased me a bit , but every month after that , it ’ s gotten progressively worse — making fun of my clothes , pretending like he is going to punch me in the arm or face , pulling pranks , and even pulling my hair . I don ’ t know what I did to him to make him act this way . It took me a long time to get this job , and I don ’ t want to have to look for another one . What should I do to get him to stop ? — Punching Bag on Park Side Drive
DEAR PUNCHING BAG , Awww this is so sweet . Don ’ t worry , all these things , the hair pulling , the punches , the mean jokes … This just means he likes you ! Classic boss behavior . Personally , I think it ’ s just so cute when a boss finds a new employee they really like and want to succeed . Just because your boss shows his affection and care for you as an employee by making you worried for your own personal safety doesn ’ t mean that you should do anything about it . Really , he ’ ll grow out of it eventually , most likely after you ’ ve made a few mistakes and you ’ re no longer the “ shiny ” new employee . But until then , just enjoy the attention , you ’ ll learn a lot from him about corporate America !
DEAR ANGELA , I ’ ve got a BIG problem . I have been planning a trip to Ibiza with a friend — it will be a month of fun in the sun and nights at the club . I invited my 13 closest friends , and they were all onboard and excited as well . We ’ ve had tickets purchased and a house with a pool rented for months . Now my friend Sasha ’ s third cousin made the US swim team is now going to the Olympics in Paris — Ugh . Her family has rented several floors in a small hotel , and
they ’ ll pay to fly us over for the week . So now the whole group wants to PAUSE the partying and go watch this rando cousin swim in the disgusting Seine River . I mean first off , who even goes to Paris anymore , right ? Second of all , it ’ s going to be just totally filled with tourists , and the whole vibe will be ruined . I can just picture all the lame-o American girls posing in front of the Eiffel Tower as if no one has ever done that before . And lastly , Sasha is just taking over this whole thing and like the trip was my idea , and I had a great itinerary planned and , I ’ m pretty sure I ’ ll have to cut out at least one club , and how am I supposed to cut one , they are all so cool ? — Please Not Paris
DEAR PLEASE , What was that ? I ’ m sorry , I ’ m afraid I can ’ t seem to hear your question . Our connection must be weak because you ’ re not coming through very clearly . In fact , I think you ’ re breaking up . Yes , that must be the case because there is no way you just asked me that and thought it was a question that you truly needed advice on . If you can still hear me , please send me a postcard from Paris , maybe the connection will be better there !
DEAR ANGELA , I need some advice on cookout etiquette . When preparing food , specifically grilled meats for a crowd , I always strive to have a delicious variety cooked just to perfection . We had family over for the 4 th of July holiday , and there were nothing but complaints from my family . The hamburgers were bloody , the hotdogs cold , and the brats chewy — on and on ! What is the proper etiquette for this type of situation ? Cook everything until it ’ s burnt and hard as a rock ? — Getting Grilled on Geraldine
DEAR GRILLED , I ’ d say give up on the meats . In fact , don ’ t serve any main course at all . The only thing I care about is a perfectly roasted marshmallow . Get that perfected , and no one will be complaining that you have no idea how to cook even the simplest of summer staples .
38 365INK MAGAZINE July 18 – July 31 , 2024 Issue # 465 DUBUQUE365 . COM