DON SIM Class 5A2 ( 2010 )
How a boy refused to bow down to common perception and emerged victorious .
Coming from the Normal Academic ( NA ) stream , I have often heard comparisons made between the NA students and students from the Express stream . Some people think that just because we are taking five years to prepare for the O-level examinations , we are less intelligent and ultimately will be less successful . To many , this stereotypical view may sound like an insult . However it was the motivational force that pushed me to prove our critics wrong . I wanted very much to show people that , despite our initial setback at the Primary School Leaving Examinations , we , too , can make it in school and in life .
The desire to demonstrate my worth to others would never have been accomplished without the help of caring and supportive teachers from Clementi Town Secondary School as well as the two core values of our school - Perseverance and Self-discipline .
My teachers offered their time outside of formal curriculum hours to give consultations , clarify doubts and ensure that we were ready for the examinations . In addition to offering help , they also gave study tips that benefited us greatly . For example , I was advised to form study groups with my fellow classmates so as to improve efficiency as well as to share knowledge amongst ourselves , to ensure that all of us push forth together and hence , succeed together .
Apart from the help given by the teachers , I feel that success cannot be attained if one is not determined to push his limits and persevere through the tough times . During days when I was exhausted from the daily grind of school life , it was the deep desire to do well that pushed me on . No matter how busy I was or how many school activities there were to drain my energy , I stuck doggedly to a study schedule and refused to give myself excuses to slacken .
The road to success is never plain sailing , and as the saying goes ‘ you reap what you sow ’. This ethos , I believe , is what has brought me to where I am today . Ultimately , I believe that what others say about you is secondary . What is most important is how you see yourself .
Don won the Lee Kuan Yew Award for Outstanding Normal Course in 2011 for his exemplary O-level results , which comprise A1s for Additional Mathematics , Elementary Mathematics , Science ( Biology / Chemistry ), Mother Tongue and Combined Humanities ( Social Studies / Geography ). After his O-level , he furthered his education in Saint Andrew ’ s Junior College . He is currently a full-time National Serviceman , waiting to enrol in National University of Singapore , Faculty of Science in 2015 . He hopes to major in Chemistry and Biology .
Our Time : Once A Clementeen , Always A Clementeen 025