33 Years @ CTSS Issue #1 | Page 26

CONNIE NG Class 4A3 ( 2010 )

A girl who was perceived as a gangster makes good .
If there was one characteristic that defined me when I was in secondary school , it was that of mischief . I was a trouble-maker , and for my antics , I was almost expelled in 2007 when I was in Secondary One . All my classmates detested me . Although I gave my teachers a lot of headache and heartache , they did not give up on me . Instead , they took it upon themselves to coach me after school so that I could catch up on my work , despite the fact that I came from the Normal Technical stream .
The following year would be my turning point . With encouragement from the teachers , I had the opportunity to go on stage and share my camp experience . I remember doing it with icy fingers and trembling knees as I had terrible stage fright . The other transformative event was the end-of-year Normal Technical Power Concert . There , the teacher-in-charge taught me to be confident on stage . At the end of the show , the applause was satisfactory to me . Since then , I had the privilege to showcase my talent through the many percussion competitions that we participated .
When I was in Secondary Three , I was a changed person . I started to bond with my classmates and finally won their acceptance . My results also improved dramatically and I began to enjoy the process of learning .
When I was young , I never enjoyed studying , yet CTSS transformed me from someone who hated waking up early for school to someone who actually looked forward to the weekdays ! I graduated from CTSS with 3As and 3Bs for my GCE Normal Technical examination . I was also crowned the prom queen on graduation night .
I am proud to tell people that I was once an Active , Bright and Caring Clementeen and I always will be . I am grateful for all the opportunities that the school gave me .
Thank you CTSS .
Connie went on to study Retail in business course at ITE College West during her NITEC course in 2011 . She is now in Higher-NITEC , majoring in Logistic and International Trade at ITE College East .
024 Our Time : Once A Clementeen , Always A Clementeen