2nd magazine. | Page 9


The Russian Revolution was divided into two major revolutions, which were the February Revolution and the October Revolution. The February Revolution began with a big strike by all the workers of Petrograd. In view of these facts and this great pressure, Tsar Nicholas II had to abdicate, on March 2, 1917. After this, a provisional government, led by Kerensky, was imposed. The Bolshevik party gained strength, starting in the autumn of 1917. They set up the Military Revolutionary Committee in Petrograd, until the Kerensky Provisional Government was overthrown. With the power in the hands of the Bolsheviks, the votes of the assembly were carried out, in which the Revolutionary Socialists won by a wide margin.

The Bolsheviks began a campaign saying that their was "a superior democracy" and through a series of clashes, the coming Civil War took place. Thus, in January 1918, the Constituent Assembly was dissolved.

In 1922 the USSR was established, and a great period of growth

was highlighted by the NEP (New Economic Policy). The USSR became a great economic and military power, which later fought with the United States in the so-called Cold War.

Russian people demonstrating