2nd magazine. | Page 10

In this map is represented the colonial distribution of the world and we can also observe by means of the colored arrows towards which the great powers expanded the colonies, in 1914. This map is of a political type, since we can observe the political entities in which it divided the territory of the world during this time.

This map is located in 1914, when World War I broke out. It is representative of the period of imperialism, in which colonial empires throughout the world are represented.

On this map appears both arrows and colors. Different colonial empires appear in different colors so that territories can be easily distinguished, and the arrows indicate the direction in which the colonial empires of the United States, Russia and Japan were

The great European colonial empires were the French empire an

expanding and the direction of the arrows indicates where they tried to colonize to expand.

The great European colonial empires were the French empire and the British empire that in addition to owning colonies in Europe, had colonies in other parts of the world, trying to unite them to enrich their possession. They owned colonies in Canada, Australia, South Asia and much of Africa. The Russian Empire, the United States and Japan that