2nd Chance Mirabelle Summers PDF / eBook Is It Free Download? | Page 11

* Avoid his friends * No emails It’s not easy. This is a man that you spent months, possibly years with. You are used to communicating with him and sharing your thoughts and desires with him. You want to be near him and to communicate with him. But if you do, you’re giving into that addiction and everything else in this guide will be that much harder. Accept the End Here’s another big one. When he says “I want to break up” you need to accept it. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona is a perfect example of this. The study was designed to show how journaling and emotional expression can help in dealing with a breakup to varying degrees. Of course, that’s not what happened. In fact, those who journaled and spent a lot of time thinking about the breakup and trying to justify it fared the worst in terms of recovery. The ones who fared best were the ones who simply went about their daily lives, processed the emotions naturally and moved on, accepting what happened. It’s a pretty simple concept - when you focus on everything that lead to or resulted in a breakup, you don’t allow yourself to accept what happened and you dwell on it. It’s not avoidance - it’s life. You have to live it to process the experiences that made it most painful. How you respond to a painful experience will affect how you view the situation later. When you accept the breakup, you will ultimately accept the breakup, not just with words but with actions. At the same time, if you DON’T accept the breakup, it will create tension that makes him uncomfortable and makes you appear needy. What do you think will go through his mind if, after he breaks up with you, your first response “okay, I agree and hope we can be friends”. He’ll wonder what’s up. It will linger and when you start to make major changes in your life, he’s going to notice that much faster. Page 11