2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 34

You’re still single, he’s still single. He can always wait and maybe you’ll do the crawling back. And the truth is that, at this point, you probably could. You could probably give him a call and ask to meet up for coffee and he would be all for it. But my hope (and the likely reality) is that you don’t want to. That urgent NEED to be with him is gone. You love this man and you hope he loves you too, but you can’t chase him for the rest of your life to validate your self-worth. You need to know that he feels the same about you and values your presence in his life. Trigger the jealousy reflex. When he sees you with another man, whether on a single date or over the course of multiple dates, his mind is going to flip out. When he sees a woman he loves, that he is immensely attracted to and that he already HAD not more than a month ago in the company of another man, pride goes out the window. Some men will slink away at this point, frustrated that they missed their opportunity. But, if you’re truly in love with him still, this won’t be an issue because it’s very unlikely that you’ll start dating another man on a recurring basis. You want to grow as a woman and make your ex jealous - not create another need- based love trap. So, when you’re single (and make sure you stay visibly single), he will come calling. It will be casual, it will be nonchalant and noncommittal, but trust me - it’s coming. Page 34