2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 33

Now for the fun part - the mini day dream you’ve been having since you started reading this section. What goes on in HIS mind when he sees you with another man? Jealousy, my friend, is a POWERFUL tool and while the last thing you want is for a man to want you only because he thinks he can’t have you, dating other men can be the trigger that sets off all the other stuff you’ve been developing. There’s a reason why dating other men is Step 5 and not Step 1 or 2. You need time. You need time for yourself - to get away from your ex, spend time alone, rediscover new hobbies and generate a sense of self that doesn’t rely on him to make you whole. You need to make some small corrections, put on your sexy smile and wow the world with what an amazing catch you can be. When you do all of this, going on a date or two with a guy you met online or a friend of a friend will not only seal the deal for you, but for your Ex. If your Ex really wants you back - if there is a real chance that he will be at all interested in returning and rekindling what you had before, it will happen now. It’s been 4-6 weeks. He’s seen or heard about you having fun, laughing and looking mighty hot. And now there’s another guy in the picture? Activate male protection reflexes! Here’s what’s happening in his mind right now. He sees you out there having fun and looking good, clearly happy for him and happy for yourself. He sees the woman he originally fell in love with and wants her back. But there are two things holding him back from acting. First is pride. No man wants to admit he was wrong. In his mind, a phone call or email is the same as “crawling back” to you and he doesn’t want to do that, both because he is embarrassed and because it makes him look weak. Second is time. Page 33