2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 30

Step 5 - Go On Dates Wait just one second! you’re saying...I thought I was getting my EX back, not finding another guy. For some of you (a lot I imagine) this is going to be the single hardest step you take. It’s all fine and good to sit there and talk about how important it is to get out of the house and meet new people and try new things and open yourself up for new experiences, but actually going on dates? That’s an entirely different level, but it’s also a very important one. Listen, no one is telling you to abandon your ex forever or to go sleep with a bunch of new guys. It’s a lot simpler than that and it can have a very positive, very profound impact on YOU as a person, and it often has the added effect of making him immensely jealous. Going on dates can actually help you get your ex back, because it ensures that if he does come back, your will is stronger and you understand your worth outside of that relationship. Here’s what I mean. Forced Socialization Up to this point, even if you’ve been out having fun, trying new things, finding new hobbies and experiencing life in ways you haven’t for many years, the odds are that you’ve been doing it within a certain comfort zone. You spend time with friends, in places you know and in situations you feel you can control. You’re still a little raw and, understandably, you want to protect yourself against what could easily become a hurtful experience. Even just meeting a new person can be immensely stressful - why submit yourself to that? There are a few reasons. First, forced socialization is a GOOD way to learn new things about yourself. Think back to your first dates way back in high school and college. How intense were those nights? You were probably thinking a million miles a minute and collapsed into a chair when it was over, either out of exhaustion or embarrassment. Page 30