2nd Chance How To Win Back The Love Of Your EX Free Download Mirabelle Summers PDF | Page 10

Quitting Requires a New Routine It’s cliche, but the women who cut their hair, buy new clothes or go on a trip immediately after they break up with someone have it right. They know exactly what they are doing, even if it’s only on a subconscious level. They change the routine. They get away from the man that churns up all that stress. They get away from the routines that make it hard to think straight and scramble it all up. You need to do the same. A lot of this book will cover HOW to do that without making rash or irresponsible decisions. For now, I want you to know that it is immensely helpful. The goal is not to get over him, though you might find that is what happens. The real goal - the reason we get away from the idea of him, is that you need to focus on yourself. To have fun. To make constructive changes. To learn how to be alone. To ENJOY being alone and possibly even go on dates again. When you do these things, you create a new mindset and a new you that...guess what...he can’t resist. How to Quit Cold Turkey After a breakup, you need to spend the next four weeks (possibly longer) consciously avoiding him as much as possible. I don’t care if he said “let’s be friends” or if you have plans together. Find an excuse to stay clear. It’s not that spending time with an ex is inherently bad, but it’s nearly impossible to find yourself and get over that strong, almost overwhelming addiction to love if you see him all the time. You need the distance. That means: * No phone calls * No text messages * End the relationship on Facebook * Don’t see him in public unless it really is an accident Page 10