Bio: Marketeer: Pursuer of purpose and customer experience.
There are three things I can spot across a room and four that makes me content: orange juice, food, tequila
and the love between two people.
What made you want to do this project?
Legacy. God had started to talk to me about what I live for, my purpose, what aspects of my life will stay when
I'm gone and what they will say. This started in August 2016, in Pompeii and since then, I've been on this
journey of finding out who I am, what I stand for, what I fight for, who I love, and what I have within me that
will outlive me. So when my twin sister approached me and started to share her heart and what God has been
talking to her. It only made sense, that I would be blessed to support her legacy whilst also growing mine as
one who championed those around her to their potential.
what do you want people to take from it?
Legacy is now. Every decision you make will always have a ripple effect,
and how you decide to live your life on the basis of your passion,
purpose and motivations will create a ripple effect like none you've ever seen before;
one that will out live you.
Liseli Madiri