24:Journey To Legacy Jun. 2017 | Page 4

BLESSY - PHOTOGRAPHER / VIDEOGRAPHER 19 THE TEAM Bio:Photographer. Learner. Seeker of creative serendipity.  To be fully immersed in creative projects, art/technology, brings me so much joy. What made you want to do this project? What excited me, and above all, what drew me to the project was the level of authenticity. Rarely do honesty, and pure vulnerability be translated accurately in images. However, in knowing the motives and the cheer emblem of legacy God had cultivated in each of their lives, I knew their stories and life journeys would come to the forefront of the images; never to be hindered by social cues and distorted mirrors.  What you want people to take from it? @blessy_g I hope to have translated Legacy beyond the frame. I hope to have pierced through the illusions of simply a beautiful scene and shown the images of a bond greater than blood. I hope to have cultivated a reflection of legacy, a need for vulnerability and an outlook beyond sight.  [email protected]