21 Health St. Dec. 2013 volume 1 | Page 6

YLJ continued: because of the two consecutive injuries that put you out for the season?

DR: What would I say to them?

YLJ: Yes, what your response be to those people?

DR: Uh....you can be a fool if you want to. Dead serious. I know ima be alright.

YLJ: Thibs talked about how you've already been mapping out your preparations for next year. Can you elaborate more on that?

DR: I told them that after I heal for a month or two from now that I'll start to pick up yoga and starting to swim a little bit more. I'm a guy where I'm always tight, my bodys always tight, my hips are always tight. So I think getting in the pool, getting that conditioning in the pool, staying loose. Yoga with flexing and I think clearing your mind. I think it's going to help me out a lot with becoming a better athlete.

YLJ: What's the hardest part about your recovery?

DR: I would have to say sleeping with that brace for like two or three months. Like the beginning part, lying in bed, can't get comfortable and you're trying to find a comfortable position to go to sleep. It was terrible. But other than that , you have your little down days--you definitely get those with how much work you're doing each day, each week. As long as I was seeing improvement, I was good.

YLJ: Did self-doubt or a loss of confidence ever creep up?

DR: Not at all. I think through my process I always knew that I could change my whole body. Everytime I went to