2050 gazetka- w robocie | Page 51

Another thing we can do in the future is put a scan in front of every class. In this way every teacher or robot can see who is in the lesson and who isn’t. If you are too late this is also put in the computer. We also want the lessons and days to be shorter. Because, like we stated earlier on this page not everyone is interested in listening to one person/object for an hour. So, a school day will look something like this. You wake up, eat your breakfast get dressed and go to school. At school you go to your locker and use your finger-scan. Your name will pop up on the screen and your locker opens. You put your coat in and close it. You don’t need books, because you got an iPad. You go to class, here you can fingerscan at the door to show your presence. The teacher who is a robot shows you something on your iPads. The lesson starts and you start learning in a fun way. The environment in 2050 Imagine living in 2050! A lot of questions to answer for the people in this decennia. What happens to the population, the pollution of the earth, to the wild animals and the oceans? Firstly, the earth is polluted as much as we could not have imagined it would. People living over the whole world, are using fossil fuels for their cars, busses, airplanes, metro’s and trains till 2020. In 2020 a law will be introduced to prevent polluting the earth even more, so only electrical cars will be legal in the European Union. Unfortunately, this will not work properly, because the humanity has already polluted the world heavily. However, electrical boats and airplanes will become more popular. In 2012 a project started in which they tried to make electrical airplanes. Some of them crashed, but probably 2025 we will eventually find a model which will be used in the future. Around the year 2020, more and more people will travel by boat, so they will decide to make them electrical as well as the cars and planes. On top of that, there is a lack of space, because most people have more than 2 cars. Flying cars will invented due to this. These vehicles a re a smaller risk for the environment. They will not be part of a traffic jam, so they do not waste unneeded fossil fuels. A different kind of energy source will be found which will work just as well as fossil fuels. The actual fossil fuels will only be used in emergencies and for experiments. In 2018 we have started thinking for a solution to get rid of the plastic soup. More and more trash is thrown in the oceans and rivers, such as the North and Mediterranean sea. It becomes a real danger for the animals living there and as a result some species have extinct. Some scientists in Japan found out that there is some kind of bacteria which is capable of eating the plastic. This bacteria is not a risk for other species and it does not affect their environment in an unsatisfactory.