2050 gazetka- w robocie | Page 45

EUROPE IN 2050 On 30th February 2050, just three months ago, the European Community met in Rome after the discussions among the various states which, through a treaty, have made a tragic decision: the political division of Europe. There are different reasons that have decreted the end of the European Union: 1. The Collapse of all European stock exchanges 2. The Disagreement between some states for economic reasons 3. Tensions between France and Germany 4. Economic crisis due to the ban of the use of oil in the 4 th Vienna Treaty of 06 May 2048 and the need to construct new renewable energy infrastructures. All this involves numerous consequences such as some economic and political problems, especially in Italy where also school premises are affected by the lack of money. The Italian government is cutting a lot of financial support to schools and education. The end of the European Union is a shocking event for the entire world, but we hope in a better future for the ex states of the European Union, in a future characterized by social, political and economical innovations. Innovations that could be developed by all the countries thanks to globalization. In that way a huge new system will be established by a worldwide global union in order to improve the living conditions for all. Will it happen? IIS “DE’ LIGUORI” – SANT’AGATA DEI GOTI