2050 gazetka- w robocie | Page 44

Climate 2050

Written by Tuva Birgitte Foldnes Bognøy and Isabell Brongers
Most of the climate researchers around the world agree that the reason for all the changing in the weather is the greenhouse gas emissions that the humans have past on for many centuries .
What is climate and climate changes ?
There is a difference between climate and the weather . The weather is what you see out the window , and the climate is the average of the weather through a long time . In other words , you can ’ t measure the climate over one day .
Today , we know that there have been big changes in the climate during the past centuries , and the scientists have measured for example the temperature , ice quantity , rainfall , and the PH value . One thing we also know is that the changes will keep happening in the years to come .
The temperature on the globe is rising
The average temperature on the globe is rising and it is getting higher and higher than it was before . Each of the last thirty decades the temperature has risen higher and higher , and in the years to come , the average temperature of the globe will rise faster than ever before . The place that will get the bigger effect is the Arctic , because of the ice melting .
The sea rises and gets worse
The icebergs are melting and the temperature in the ocean is increasing , and when this happen the ocean will rise , and it will also happen faster .
The ocean takes about 20 percent of CO 2 emissions , and this prevents CO 2 from being released into the atmosphere . And the ocean helps to prevent the temperature in the air from rising , and since the ocean prevents and helps the air , the ocean will get a lower PH-value .
The ocean has become 26 percent more sour than in 1750 , and the more sour the ocean gets , the harder it gets to preserve the nature diversity of the sea .
The ice melts
For the last 20 years , the ice on Greenland and in Arctic , as well as glaciers around the world , have decreased over time . Ever since 1980 , the permafrost temperature has also risen all around the world .
More extreme weather and rain
The climate changes implies changes in the rainfall pattern . In some countries , the rainfall will be smaller , and in some countries , it will be both more rainfall and snow . For example , in the years ahead there will be more extreme weather in countries as Norway and northern Europe . And around the world , there will be more hurricanes and cycles and more often than usual .
Why does the climate change ?
The climate is changing because there are more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than natural . For example , the gas carbon dioxide makes the greenhouse effect stronger , and less heat goes out in the atmosphere . And thus , the globe becomes warmer than it would without the gas , and the climate changes .