• Participate in conversations that explore reasoning and evidence
Projects / Activities : Analysis of writing techniques in mysteries ; creation of a mystery story , film , case file , game , or podcast Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore essential questions related to elements of the mystery genre . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Stories in History Prerequisite / Selection Process : English 10 , Honors English 10 , English 10 with College Foundations Intended Audience : Grades 11 or 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Note : This is one of four possible trimester courses students can select to fulfill one half of the English 11 or English 12 requirement this year . Students will complete any two of the four choice courses for full English 11 or English 12 credit . Note that eight different trimester courses will be offered on a rotating basis , with four choices available each year . Major Outcomes :
• Read texts to examine events and topics from multiple viewpoints or perspectives
• Write to respond to a variety of texts
• Exchange ideas through discussion and collaboration
Projects / Activities : Choice book clubs , creative writing Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore essential questions related to the stories that individuals and societies have told throughout history . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
English 12 IB SL Prerequisite / Selection Process : CP English 11 or IB English 11 HL Intended Audience : Grade 12 Credit : One trimester = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Develop student expression ( oral and written )
• Introduce students to various literacy and nonliterary works , focusing on novels , drama , and persuasive texts
• Develop the ability for detailed analysis
• Academic writing skills Projects / Activities : Analysis essays , research projects , oral presentations , seminars , independent reading , and close readings of diverse texts .
STEAM English 12 : Dynamic Storytelling [ AHS only ] Intended Audience : Grade 12
Credit : 1 Trimester = 0.5 credits Major Outcomes :
• Challenge students to critically think about the various ways we tell stories ; from personal to professional , from print to performance .
• Consider different methods of delivery and dive into audience psychology and marketing tactics of storytelling . How do you most effectively tell the story to get across your target message
• Explore different forms of creative and dynamic storytelling used in our society to share information and personal stories .
• Learn to develop and tell your own stories through a number of different dynamic communication mediums . Examples include personal websites , video documentaries , podcasts , PSA ’ s , etc .
Projects / Activities : Small stories , expanding stories , capstone stories , personal websites , video documentaries , podcasts , PSA ’ s etc . Instructional Focus : Application of practical literacy skills in the real-world situations and connection of literature to real-world experiences .
AP Literature and Composition [ AndHS only ] [ AP exam is in May each year ] Intended Audience : Highly skilled readers and writers in grade 12 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Reading selected pieces of world literature from a variety of periods
• Analyze literature for structure , style , theme , and use of language
• Acquire skills necessary to succeed in college
• Approach the AP exam with confidence Projects , Activities , etc .: Writers notebook , small and large group discussions , individual reports , panels and oral reading of plays Instructional Focus : Faster pace and independent work ; College credit may be earned based on AP exam score and institution .
Coll Honors Introduction to Literature College credit [ University of Minnesota ] Prerequisite / Selection Process : Meet university entrance requirements [ see counsler ] or by teacher recommendation Intended Audience : Highly skilled readers and writers in grade 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Major Outcomes :
• Discussion and interpretation of literary forms
• Personal response to literature
• Experience with literary analysis composition
• Reader ’ s notebook Projects , Activities : Reader ’ s notebook , textual discussions Instructional Focus : Rigorous and higher level critical thinking , multiple perspectives , seminars , some independent study
Coll Honors University Writing College credit [ University of Minnesota ] Prerequisite / Selection Process : Meet university entrance requirements [ see counsler ] or by teacher recommendation Intended Audience : Highly engaged writers in grade 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Major Outcomes :
• Knowledge of variety of writing assignments
• Defining purpose , organizing , developing content
• Skill development in the writing process , including a focus on pre-writing , drafting , and revision
Projects , Activities : Writing portfolio may include : personal narrative , synthesis of given sources , researched inquiry , and multimodal design Instructional Focus : Some independent study , discussion , seminars , writing workshops , and presentation
Acting I Intended Audience : Grades 9 , 10 , 11 , and 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Note : Course does not meet the Arts course requirement Major Outcomes :
• Foundations of Theater
• Creativity
• Techniques for improvisation
• Beginning scene work
• Leadership and communication skills Projects , Activities , etc .: Writing and performance , individual and group performance Instructional Focus : Active participation and collaborative group work
Acting II
Prerequisite / Selection Process : Acting I or teacher permission Intended Audience : Grades 9 , 10 , 11 , and 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Major Outcomes :
• Original scripts
• Character analysis
• Collaborative scene work
• Acting styles and forms Projects , Activities , etc .: Perform scenes from a variety of styles , write and perform original work Instructional Focus : Active participation and collaboration
48 High School Registration Guide