2025-26 High School Registration Guide | Page 47

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS [ ELA ] ences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Honors Social Studies 10 / Honors English 10 Block [ CPHS only ] Prerequistite / Selection Process : Teacher or counselor recommendation , English 9 and Social Studies 9 Intended Audience : Grade 10 Credit : Two trimesters / two periods = 2.0 credits Major Outcomes :
• Relationship of history , literature and communication skills
Instructional Focus : Students enrolled in Honors courses will be required to apply higher-order thinking and communication skills , study primary source documents and complete independent and / or group research projects .
Pre-AP English II [ AndHS only ] Prerequisite / Selection Process : Pre-AP English 1 Intended Audience : All grade 10 students at AndHS Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes : Pre-AP English 2 builds on the foundation of the Pre-AP English 1 course , asking students to apply the skills learned in that earlier course . Students develop a stronger awareness of how a writer can manipulate language to serve a unique purpose . As writers , students compose nuanced analytical essays with well-crafted sentences .
English 11 IB SL [ CPHS Only ] Prerequisite / Selection Process : English 10 , Honors English 10 or Honors Social Studies 10 / English 10 Block Intended Audience : Grade 11 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Develop student expression ( oral and written )
• Introduce students to various literary and nonliterary works focusing on global issues .
• Develop the ability for detailed analysis
• Academic writing and speaking skills Projects , activities etc .: analysis essays , oral presentations , seminars , independent reading , and close readings of diverse texts .
STEAM English 11 : DIY Projects [ AHS only ] Intended Audience : Grade 11 Credit : 1 Trimester = 0.5 credits Major Outcomes :
• Interrogate issues through self-directed investigation to form an understanding of how to present innovative solutions .
• Build out verbal , written , media , and technological literacy skills to critically consider and engage in different methods that students can obtain and use information in the digital age .
• Grow communication skills to creatively and reflectively make and deliver students ’ own ‘ how to ’ informational artifacts , such as info-graphics , videos , instructional manuals , blogs , etc .
Projects , Activities , etc .: Design Investigation & Technical Writing - LEGO project , Book Club Issues Website , Group Innovations Project , info-graphics , videos , instructional manuals , blogs , etc . Instructional Focus : Application of practical literacy skills in real-world situations and connection of literature to real-world experiences .
AP English Language and Composition [ AP exam is in May each year ] Intended Audience : Highly skilled readers and writers in grade 11 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Reading texts from a variety of periods , disciplines and rhetorical contexts
• Build skills in analyzing writer ’ s purpose and use of rhetorical techniques .
• Approach the AP exam with confidence Projects , Activities , etc .: Various challenging writing and reading assignments Instructional Focus : Faster pace and independent work ; College credit may be earned based on AP exam score and institution .
Impact of Media Prerequisite / Selection Process : English 10 , Honors English 10 , English 10 with College Foundations Intended Audience : Grades 11 or 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Note : This is one of four possible trimester courses students can select to fulfill one half of the English 11 or English 12 requirement this year . Students will complete any two of the four choice courses for full English 11 or English 12 credit . Note that eight different trimester courses will be offered on a rotating basis , with four choices available each year . Major Outcomes :
• Evaluate how the author ’ s purpose , stated identities , biases , and perspective shape the content and style of a text
• Write to reflect how personal perspective , identity , and voice have developed and changed over time , in relation to the global community
• Create and present a piece of digital work or digital communication
• Communicate effectively in print through media
Projects / Activities : Analysis of production and consumption of media , digital portfolio of media posts with reflection Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore essential questions related to media consumption and production . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Literature and its Transformation into Film Prerequisite / Selection Process : English 10 , Honors English 10 , English 10 with College Foundations Intended Audience : Grades 11 or 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Note : This is one of four possible trimester courses students can select to fulfill one half of the English 11 or English 12 requirement this year . Students will complete any two of the four choice courses for full English 11 or English 12 credit . Note that eight different trimester courses will be offered on a rotating basis , with four choices available each year . Major Outcomes :
• Analyze the impact of the author ’ s creative choices in literature
• Analyze the impact of the author ’ s creative choices in film
• Write routinely for a range of tasks , purposes , and audiences
• Create and present a piece of digital work or digital communication
Projects / Activities : Analysis of author ’ s creative choices in literature and film , digital adaptation of a text with reflection Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore essential questions related to elements of literature and film . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Mysteries and Whodunits Prerequisite / Selection Process : English 10 , Honors English 10 , English 10 with College Foundations Intended Audience : Grades 11 or 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Note : This is one of four possible trimester courses students can select to fulfill one half of the English 11 or English 12 requirement this year . Students will complete any two of the four choice courses for full English 11 or English 12 credit . Note that eight different trimester courses will be offered on a rotating basis , with four choices available each year . Major Outcomes :
• Write to argue , supporting a position with developed ideas and logical reasoning
• Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support conclusions
High School Registration Guide 47