3 3 4Hospitality
Human Trafficking Awareness To combat human trafficking though its airports , the Airports Authority is partnering with the U . S . Department of Homeland Security and its Blue Lightning Initiative .
Youth Art Walk The Airports Authority introduced new artwork in the Youth Art Walk at both IAD and DCA .
Academy MWAA recently hosted students from the Hospitality Academy at Jackson Reed High School .
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African American Museum The Airports Authority organized a day at the Smithsonian ’ s National Museum of African American History and Cultures for employees and their families .
The Village of Willard
Celebrating the Reveal of the Abingdon Plantation
Women ’ s History Month This year ’ s Women ’ s History Month Celebrated the achievements of women dedicated to diversity , equity and inclusion .
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Firefight Exploration Tour MWAA hosted a tour for Prince George ’ s County Public Schools with IAD firefighters .
Small Business University 20 small businesses graduated from MWAA sponsored Small Business University .
Supplier Diversity Empowering the small business community in navigating the Airports Authority procurement process .
Employee Engagement Plan Fostering to build a workplace that nurtures both personal and professional growth .