2024 RBMA Sponsor Prospectus 2024 RBMA Sponsor Prospectus_D7 NEW | Page 12

PaRADigm Events and Promotional Add-Ons ( Continued )
Event Mobile App Sponsor - Premium
Event Mobile App Sponsor - Standard
Wireless Internet Network Sponsor FRR : Zotec
Keynote Sponsorships
FRR : Imagine
Sunday Exhibit Hall Grand Opening Sponsor “ Let the Beat Drop ” FRR : Imagine
Monday Exhibit Hall Reception Sponsor “ The B-Side ” FRR : PFC USA
Learning Lab ( Concurrent ) Session Sponsorship
First Come First Serve
Bronze Sponsors & Above ONLY
✓ App banner ad ( Up to 1 per day ) ✓ Up to three ( 3 ) daily push notifications ✓ Promotion as event app sponsor in all pre-show communications and onsite ✓ One daily push notification ✓ Promotion as event app sponsor in all pre-show communications and onsite ✓ Your company displayed as sponsor when attendees access the network ; splash page includes URL redirect ( you specify ) ✓ Logo included anywhere internet and passcodes displayed ✓ Premier marketing / visibility on website and in promotional materials ✓ Includes option for a company representative to introduce the speaker ( s ) ✓ Logo on signage outside the room , website , event app , and marketing collateral wherever the session is listed ✓ Logo and sponsorship featured prominently throughout keynote pre-show and during introduction
Opening Keynote : Music Talent , Energizing , Retention-Focus ($ 13,000 when paired with Grand Opening , includes Meet & Greet in Booth , book signing if applicable ) Innovation Keynote : AI and Machine Learning Focus Closing Keynote : Industry Insiders Panel Discussion ✓ Logo on website , signage , event app and marketing collateral whenever reception is listed ✓ Logo printed on drink tickets ✓ Branded cocktail napkins and bar item ( cup , bar cling , etc .)
( selected and produced by RBMA ) ✓ Logo on website , signage , event app and marketing collateral whenever reception is listed ✓ Logo printed on drink tickets ✓ Branded cocktail napkins and bar item ( cup , bar cling , etc .)
( selected and produced by RBMA ) ✓ Present your company as a subject matter expert or feature a new product in your line-up
✓ Four ( 4 ) opportunities to present a sponsored learning lab ( concurrent session ) – Monday AM , Monday PM , Tuesday AM , Tuesday PM . Contract Deadline : Nov . 10 , 2023 . ✓ Session title , description , outcomes , speaker , and speaker bio submitted by 12 / 1 / 23 ( this allows us to promote !)
✓ Includes signage outside room , logo on website and marketing collateral wherever session is listed ✓ Session will not be pre-recorded ✓ RBMA CEU is included . Add additional CEUs with an upgrade
$ 3,000 3 Available
$ 1,500 4 Available
$ 6,500 Exclusive
$ 15,000
Opening ( Sunday )
$ 8,000
Industry ( Monday )
$ 5,000
Closing ( Tuesday )
$ 7,000 Exclusive
$ 7,000 Exclusive
$ 5,000
CEU Upgrade : $ 500 RBMA will submit your session for CEU if the deadline is met . We do not guarantee acceptance .