2024 KeHE Holiday Trends | Page 220

When it comes to the holiday season , there is often a lot to celebrate . Family and friends are raising their glasses to toast the many achievements and milestones of their loved ones throughout the year . While many adults will fill their glasses with champagne and the children with sparkling grape juice , there ’ s now a growing group of adults at these events craving something more . They want “ better for us ” options that still taste great without the negative effects of alcohol .
KeHE carries innovative options like Mingle and their newest flavor , Sparkling Raspberry Rosé , perfect for any occasion . Whether you ' re celebrating the holidays , mingling with colleagues during happy hour , or simply unwinding with a good book . With Mingle ’ s nonalcoholic mocktails , you can experience the epitome of sophistication and sparkle with every sip .
Be sure to stop by the Adult Non- Alcoholic Pavilion at the 2024 KeHE Holiday Show !
Have some sips and discover data & insights !


59 % of consumers want new flavors in non-alcoholic beverages to be refreshing
41 % of consumers agree that non-alcoholic beverages can still be fun
36 % of U . S . consumers currently eat or drink products that contain superfoods such as blueberries or spinach
54 % of U . S . consumers are actively focusing on hydration for their health and wellness
Plum ( 29 %), starfruit ( 30 %), and prickly pear ( 28 %) are top flavors consumers have not tried but want to
Source : Mintel
220 KeHE Holiday Show & Trends | October - December 2024