2024 KeHE Goodness Report | Page 29

KeHE Fresh Marketplace ™ Relaunch

KeHE ® has distributed fresh foods for years , but it was not something widely recognized by our customers . That changed in FY24 with the relaunch of the KeHE Fresh Marketplace .
KeHE Fresh Marketplace helps fulfill retailers ’ desire to deepen relationships with their customers . We understand how essential the perimeter of a store is . It ’ s an experience that touches all the senses — a celebration of food , tradition , and discovery that has the power to bring more customers back into stores .
Our acquisition of DPI catapulted KeHE into the national cheese conversation . State-of-theart cut-and-wrap rooms help retailers expand their assortment and extend shelf life while providing a craft , cut-in-store experience .
We launched more than 20 seasonally inspired MADE • WITH ® items in partnership with Albertson ’ s winter holiday efforts .
The relaunch included a major awarenessbuilding campaign with a reimagined brand identity — featured in industry publications such as Grocery Dive and Progressive Grocer — and a digital campaign that made nearly 3 million impressions , with almost 20,000 clicks to a new Fresh Marketplace landing page .
We launched our first-ever fresh protein program , offering fresh chicken and other fresh proteins from farm to store within one week of placing an order .
We partnered with Sprouts to begin bringing best-inclass bulk assortment , quality , and pricing to our biggest partner .