Legislator Shout-Outs
Senate President Kathleen Passidomo continued to prioritize affordable housing , working to fine tune last year ’ s Live Local Act and presiding over the Florida Senate as they passed multiple FHBA Priorities and refused to consider the mandatory escrow bill .
Senator Debbie Mayfield the powerful Rules Chair , worked with FHBA on several issues that came before the Senate Rules Committee .
Senator Johnathan Martin , the freshman senator successfully guided the mobility fee bill through the upper chamber .
Senator Nick DiCeglie , another Senate freshman who sponsored FHBA priorities during his days in the House of Representatives , once again muscled to passage the permit timeline bill .
Senator Jennifer Bradley was instrumental in making the HOA bill palatable , and when the Volume Builders Council identified detrimental issues in the bill she absolutely refused to leave those issues in the bill language . She also allowed the FHBA to amend the common elements issue onto her condo bill .
Senator Danny Burgess sponsored the warranty bill and believed that a warranty ( at least for the first year ) should follow the property , yet he worked diligently and patiently until FHBA could find common ground . He allowed the Orange County fix to be put on his bill as well .
House Speaker Paul Renner continued to use his position to push for pro-business legislation including local government preemptions and other FHBA priorities .
Represenative Stan McClain who is a home builder by trade , sponsored the building permit / plat bill important to the Volume Builders Council . Rep . McClain was instrumental in having the House even consider the fix for the windborne debris issue and worked hard on FHBA priorities , advocating on FHBA ’ s behalf to House Leadership .
Represenative Toby Overdorf advocated on behalf of the industry , helping force changes to the Stormwater Rule Ratification bill .
Represenative Keith Truenow successfully sponsored the mitigation bill which allows local governments to open local lands for mitigation banking and creates a future opportunity to create stormwater mitigation credits .
Represenative Vicki Lopez allowed the FHBA to amend the common elements issue onto the condo bill .
Represenative Wyman Duggan sponsored the amendment addressing the antidevelopment issue pending in the Orange County Charter Review Commission .
Represenative Kaylee Tuck agreed to let her bill be amended to address the Orange County Charter Review Commission issue .
2024 FHBA Legislative Summary I 7