2024 FHBA Advocacy Briefing | Page 27

This committee bill ratifies The Department of Environmental Protection Stormwater Rule promulgated as a result of the Clean Waterways Act additions several years ago . FHBA , along with a coalition of aligned organizations , worked diligently over the past couple of years to modify this rule as much as possible .
As passed , the rule implements new stormwater treatment standards as well as maintenance requirements to be included in the permitting process . The bill also grandfathers stormwater permits that were signed and delivered prior to January 1 , 2024 and grandfathers in the developments of regional impacts with an active development order .
In a continuation of the work done last year , FHBA was able to gain some wins on this rule in two critical areas .
First , if an applicant demonstrates in its designs that it meets the best management practices for the stormwater system in nutrient reduction calculations , the applicant will have a presumption of complying with the new rule .
Second , an additional six months was added on the effective date of this new stormwater rule . This means the rule will take effect 18 months or one-and-a-half years after the ratification bill becomes effective .
This bill still awaits signature from the Governor .
2024 FHBA Legislative Summary I 27