2024 Capability Portfolio Digital | Page 32

Clean Energy Capability Portfolio | Renewable Generation

Tandem , Reduced

Operating Temperature ,
High-Efficiency and
Vehicle-Integrated Solar

Research into a range of topics related to improved , low-cost solar photovoltaic energy conversion , including tandem , reduced operating temperature , highefficiency and vehicle-integrated solar photovoltaics .

Competitive Advantage

• Held the world record of 25 % for the highest efficiency passivated emitter and rear ( PERC ) silicon solar cell , a cell structure invented at UNSW and accounting for most of the presently installed solar globally
• Hold the world record for the most efficient solar module at 40.6 % energy conversion efficiency , a multi-cell stack involving four cells , each responding to a different range of solar wavelengths


• Over USD $ 1 trillion of UNSW-invented and developed PERC cell systems installed worldwide from 2016 to 2023
• Former team members responsible for successful diversification of manufacturing industry into China , which resulted in a tenfold solar module price reduction between 2008 and 2018

Our Collaborators

• AIKO Solar
• Canadian Solar
• Trina Solar
• JinkoSolar
• LONGi Solar
• DAS Solar

More Information

Scientia Professor Martin Green
School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering
T : + 61 411 492 416
E : m . green @ unsw . edu . au

Successful Applications

• BP Solar ‘ Saturn ’ cell ( 1992-2006 )
• Suntech Power ‘ Pluto ’ cell ( 2009-2013 )
• PERC cell ( 2012-present )

Capabilities and Facilities

• Laboratory for fabrication of silicon and thin film solar cells
• Solar Industrial Research Facility for evaluating commercial-sized wafers at pilot production level