2023 Year In Review | Page 33

increase federal research funding and establish a public-private advisory council to advise on opportunities for greater investment and efficiency in Parkinson ’ s research and access to care .
treating disease — and doesn ’ t shy away from adding medication or other therapies when they can be helpful . Lifestyle medicine offers empowering , personalized options to help patients take action , putting them in the driver ’ s seat to steer the direction of their journey .
Dr . Dolhun and MJFF have expanded lifestyle-related resources for patients and families , including a new guide on diet and an upcoming resource on exercise and Parkinson ’ s . These resources , along with MJFF ’ s numerous other free educational resources , such as webinars and podcasts , aim to respond to the unmet medical needs of patients and families — to help everyone touched by PD manage risk factors and symptoms and live well with the disease . Go to michaeljfox . org / guides-living-well-parkinsons to learn more and download them .