2023 Year In Review | Page 29

Run / Walk Series , Lacing up for Research : With the addition of a new city , Phoenix , in 2023 , the Run / Walk series had 2,544 participants in the spring season , and took place throughout the year in Los Angeles , Chicago , Denver and Boston , with a virtual event as well .
Cyclers Unite : The Virtual Tour de Fox Ride continued to evolve in 2023 , raising over $ 625,000 and surpassing this year ’ s fundraising goal . The event , in which participants choose their own route and distance and can join from anywhere , attracted 700 participants from 44 U . S . states and nine countries .
Team Fox Fundraisers Hit Milestones : The Team Fox grassroots fundraising network — 3,000 + individuals strong across the globe — continues to inspire new and old friends to join MJFF ’ s mission and raise funds for research . Recent science breakthroughs have reinvigorated their work , inspiring a new generation of fundraisers to join the community and more alumni to double down on their efforts . In fact , in 2023 , three new groups are expected to join the $ 1-million club — each reaching their own historic fundraising mark .