2023 Soaring Together Newsletter Quarters 1 & 2 | Page 5

MWAA Creates Opportunities for Success : Reagan National Hosts Student Career Expo
About 200 high school students from around the region visited Reagan National Airport ( DCA ) on March 16 to explore potential career paths in airport and aviation fields . The Airports Authority ’ s Office of Diversity , Inclusion and Social Impact partnered with the American Experience Foundation , an affiliated charity of Destination DC that focuses on student career development , to bring high school juniors and seniors to the expo .
Students met with representatives from the Airports Authority and its professional partners , including airlines , TSA , concessionaires and skilled trades apprentices in the aviation industry . In addition , students were taken on a guided tour of DCA , including its firehouse , providing them with a firsthand view of the airport ' s internal operations .
Exhibitors , speakers and staff also offered insights into various business functions within the airport . Participants included Airports Authority CEO Jack Potter , Reagan Airport Manager Paul Malandrino , Vice President of Diversity , Inclusion and Social Impact Tanisha Lewis and Reagan Airport Operations Manager Heidi Sim .