2023 May Newsletter 2023 May Newsletter | Page 11

The Board of Directors at the meeting on March 21 , 2023 , approved the below wording to be added to the Architectural & Landscape Guidelines for the Eaglebrooke Community Association . Please keep this paperwork with your copies of the Official Records of the Eaglebrooke Community Association .
D . Landscape and Irrigation Criteria 1 . General Guidelines :
D . All cut vegetation items need to be placed in accordance with Polk County Guidelines . Lawn debris may not be placed on storm water drains , sidewalks , golf cart trails , roadways , vacant lots , or common areas . Debris may not be put out until the evening before pickup .
Lots that have contracted lawn vendors conducting lawn service to include trimming must take the clippings / debris with them and dispose of the debris . Lawn contractors may not leave behind any clipping / debris . In the event that clipping / debris are left behind by the contractor , it does become the homeowner ’ s responsibility and must comply with the above guidelines .

The Board of Directors

eaglebrooke newsletter 11