Translated Materials
This data measure refers to the number of written materials that Departments translated during the fiscal year . During the compliance reporting process , Departments are asked to list the total number of materials translated and upload a log listing each translated document , the languages into which it has been translated , and the name of the person ( s ) who reviewed each translation for accuracy and appropriateness .
Total Translated Materials by Language , FY 2021-2022
Translation reviewers can be bilingual staff members or employees who obtain quality checks from external individuals , such as translation vendors or bilingual staff from community-based organizations whose clients receive services from the Department . Translation reviews should focus on assessing a document ’ s readability , meaning , and grammar .
During the past fiscal year , out of 4,834 total translated materials Citywide , there were 1,847 ( 38 %) in Chinese , 1,490 ( 31 %) in Spanish , 1,037 ( 21 %) in Filipino , 129 ( 3 %) in Russian , 132 ( 3 %) in Vietnamese , and 199 ( 4 %) in other languages .
The total number of translated materials decreased by 55 % since the previous fiscal year , from 10,730 to 4,834 . This decrease followed a 29 % increase in translations during FY 2020-2021 . The largest decreases were in Russian ( 73 %), followed by Vietnamese ( 67 %), and other languages ( 65 %). The decrease in the number of translated materials this year returned the City to slightly above the pre-pandemic levels of FY 2018-2019 , during which there were 4,803 translated materials produced Citywide .