issue area reports | energy and environment
if they will get their permits , reducing uncertainty and costs from drawn-out decisions . In the Senate , AWB worked to try to adopt some permitting appeals language similar to existing law . That amendment was adopted in committee but due to concerns in the environmental community it was removed on the Senate floor . Overall , AWB feels this bill is a good start and hopes this is the first of several discussions about other much-needed reforms to the permitting process to make it easier for our state to build the vital infrastructure needed to meet the state ’ s ambitious clean energy targets .
SB 5165 energy transmission
Passed / AWB Supported sponsor : Sen . Joe Nguyen , D-White Center
The second half of the governor-request bill was about energy transmission . Introduced
Sen . Shelly Short , R-Addy , serves on the Agriculture , Water , Natural Resources & Parks Committee as well as the Environment , Energy & Technology Committee .
in the Senate as SB 5165 , it also needed a fair bit of effort to get into a workable form . Like HB 1216 , it introduces a programmatic EIS model to make it easier to build power transmission lines . The bill passed the House 70-28 and the Senate 36-10 .
HB 1173 light pollution
Passed / AWB Supported sponsor : Rep . April Connors , R-Kennewick those fixes the bill passed 94-1 in the House and 48-1 in the Senate .
HB 1589 supporting washington ’ s clean energy economy and transitioning to a clean , affordable , and reliable energy future
Failed / AWB Opposed sponsor : Rep . Beth Doglio , D-Olympia
Rep . April Connors , R-Kennewick , is assistant ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee .
HB 1173 required wind turbine operators to turn off their anti-collision lights at night to address concerns from neighboring communities about the distraction of lights blinking all night to warn aircraft . Instead , the bill requires detection systems that turn lights on when aircraft are detected within a certain radius and turn them off when the planes leave . The prime sponsor worked with AWB members to address concerns , including the timelines for retrofits and upgrades , making sure the final bill was technology-neutral , and clarifying that such projects do not trigger SEPA . After
This bill was brought forward to help one utility meet its costs under the 2019 Clean Energy Transformation Act and the 2021 Climate Commitment Act . As part of their ability to manage costs under these bills , the bill would have stopped new natural gas line extensions and hookups for residential and commercial customers , then directed the UTC to create a single rate base for electricity and natural gas customers . AWB originally took no position on the bill but it did have impacts on some of our broader members , specifically those that rely on natural gas . Because of these concerns ,
Bill considered as part of AWB ’ s voting record
Favorable outcome for Washington businesses
Missed Opportunities
special edition 2023 21