2023 legislative review
Sen . Drew MacEwen , R-Union , is ranking member and Sen . Joe Nguyen , D-White Center , is chair of the Senate Environment , Energy & Technology Committee .
sponsor : Rep . Sharlett Mena , D-Tacoma
This bill expands the state ’ s 2020 community solar program , tripling the required base rate penetration to 12 % from the previous 4 % — even though few utilities are even close to meeting that lower standard yet . Community solar is envisioned as a way to allow homeowners to install solar panels and finance them through future energy savings . In reality , this bill would have subsidized community solar installers and companies , leaving them to serve as the middleman between customers and their local regulated utilities . It also could have allowed unethical business dealings . The bill passed out of committee but did not come up for a floor vote .
HB 1509 virtual net metering
Failed / AWB Opposed sponsor : Rep . David Hackney , D-Tukwila
The bill would have increased the size of community solar projects to 5 megawatts , up from the current 1 megawatt . At that size
these become miniature solar farms , where federal thresholds apply and local utilities have no say about whether these project go in , despite the fact that projects of this size could destabilize their grids . This also could lead to the creation of a miniature utility within an existing utility service territory . The larger regulated utility is then required by law to allow a competitor to work within its legally defined service utility while providing administrative and billing support for this competitor . The bill had a hearing but no committee vote .
HB 1329 preventing utility shutoffs during heat
Passed / AWB Neutral sponsor : Rep . Sharlett Mena , D-Tacoma
Current law says utility services cannot be disconnected for nonpayment during cold temperatures . HB 1329 , sponsored by Rep . Sharlett Mena , D-Tacoma , adds the same rule for high heat only . However , investor-owned utilities already have that requirement in their UTC regulatory filings , so this bill was redundant . The bill also required reconnecting power that had been cut off if temperatures hit a certain level — however , that would create potential rule problems for workers who are sent out reconnect customers in extreme heat . AWB and members worked with the prime sponsor who largely addressed those concerns , so AWB went neutral on the final bill .
HB 1216 clean energy siting
Passed / AWB Supported sponsor : Rep . Joe Fitzgibbon , D-West Seattle
Introduced at the request of Gov . Jay Inslee , HB 1216 originally did not accomplish its goals of making it easier to site clean energy projects . AWB joined others in extensive effort to rework the bill and ended up supporting the measure . As passed , the bill has welcome SEPA reform . It also allows programmatic EISes with expedited permitting for some clean energy projects . Without reducing permitting requirements , the bill still helps developers to hear sooner
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