2023 April Newsletter 2023 April Newsletter | Page 7

Eaglebrooke ,
Welcome to Spring ! The temperatures have certainly let us know that spring is here , and summer is on its way . The golf course has been very dry over the last month with fronts and rain chances that just never made it to our area . We are able to keep up with the watering needs in this time of transition but a little help from mother nature never hurts .
This month we will aerifying the greens on April 10th . This is necessary moving forward to help improve green speed and health of the turf . It will be completed in one day with a contractor punching and cleaning up the cores . My staff will then apply sand and fertilizer to fill the holes up and get the greens on a road to recovery . The holes will be unnoticeable in a 2-week period with a full recovery .
Another project we will be tackling this month is to make some repairs and adjustments to a few of the bunkers on the course . We began working on some of them in late fall , but decided to wait and finish the others until the temperatures were more favorable for growing grass . I am looking to change the shape and size of a few bunkers on # 7 , # 8 , # 14 , and # 16 . The greenside bunker on hole # 7 is my main project . We will be moving that bunker away from the green but keeping it in the same location to keep the integrity of the golf hole . We will also address the drainage issue in this bunker to keep it more playable throughout the year .
On a personal level , I would like to Thank everyone who reached out to my family in our time of emotional need . Things happen in life that just don ’ t make sense or can ’ t be explained , but I am so fortunate to have caring friends and support at The Club at Eaglebrooke . Your sympathy and kind words were very uplifting to my wife and I . From the bottom of our hearts , THANK YOU !!!

Wes Parker

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