2023 Annual Report | Page 23

Papua ( Indonesia )
Papua New Guinea ownership and / or management rights for three Indigenous communities will be legally recognized , allowing them to manage and protect their traditional territories and forests . Commercialscale logging , hunting , and mining will be prohibited . Communities will participate in patrolling and research , drawing on their Indigenous knowledge .
Papua New Guinea
In the spectacular Torricelli Mountain Range in the northwestern area of Papua New Guinea , ancient , virgin tropical rainforest slopes up from the sea to host a rare diversity of life . Shockingly , zero percent of the region is officially protected , and it faces growing threats from industrial-scale logging , mining , and hunting . Rainforest Trust is supporting our local partner , Tenkile Conservation Alliance Inc . ( TCA ), to work with Indigenous Peoples from 43 villages to legally protect 148,000 acres of their ancestral territories through a legal agreement called a “ Conservation Deed .”
TCA ’ s primary mission is to save the endemic Critically Endangered Tenkile tree kangaroo from extinction due to hunting . At present , only 200 mature individuals survive . TCA is engaged with Indigenous communities to establish voluntary , sustainable forest conservation through livelihood alternatives that reduce hunting of threatened species . This project will protect 40 % of the Tenkile ’ s global range in one of the last strongholds of intact habitat and benefit other critically endangered marsupials like the Goldenmantled Tree Kangaroo , Northern Glider , and Black-spotted Cuscus .
Island of Borneo
The Critically Endangered Helmeted Hornbill is the target of industrial-scale poaching for the “ ivory ” in the brightly colored , bony casque adorning its head . Rainforest Trust is working with our local
partner , Yayasan Rekam Jejak Alam Nusantara , to support Indigenous communities to secure 54,000 acres as Customary Forest , a designation that legally recognizes their ownership and rights to manage and protect their traditional territories from illegal activity , including poaching . The project will safeguard a crucial stronghold for eight species of hornbill in a largely pristine landscape in the Indonesian territory of Borneo . right Helmeted Hornbill | nishath riswan-shutterstock
Rainforest Trust 2023 Annual Report 23