2023 Annual Report | Page 19

Ecosystem . But human settlement has brought oil palm plantations into the region , destroying intact forest habitat and opening access for illegal poaching , slash-and-burn land clearing , and mining . Rainforest Trust and our partner , Forum Konservasi Leuser ( FKL ), have collaborated since 2016 to protect intact forest . Building on our past success here , we are working to safeguard an additional 2,121 acres , bringing the total land protected to 4,000 acres . Rainforest Trust donors have embraced the need to protect habitat for these iconic mammals and have contributed over $ 2.6 million to safeguard these critical areas and to work with local communities on sustainable resource use .
FKL deploys a large network of rangers and community members to patrol the protected areas to prevent forest crimes .
The newly acquired land extends a secure corridor for wildlife , enabling elephants to migrate to rich riparian lowlands to forage on grasses and reconnect with elephants to the south .


Rainforest Trust will support AQUASIS in acquiring the land the Araripe Manakin needs to survive . The organization not only provides resources but understands both the explicit and hidden traditions of families that own the land along the streams of this arid plateau .”

- Weber Girão , Project Manager , Araripe Oasis Project , AQUASIS
Araripe Manakin Oasis Reserve | AQUASIS